badbot capture

bothearding a lost bot herd, bad botcaputre.

i knew him as LSDLiquid dopping the lsd due pressure peer. to -)sK(- Liquid.
   we were fighting the mygots straight outofbox, no easy keys , and and idea to be undefeated even when the MYGoTs entered game. we fought for the round win rare the ban vote.
.  he was amuzed at our antics portray in CS as the arena and our solidity of resposible responce of out of arena when it came to that )end(
i spent hours on coms hearing the gurgle of water on open mic from his vector.
we could sure use his native abilities right now.
just following the simplicity . he was capable of capturing lost bots and attacking a bot king pool they fell off off, flipping a corporation. the issue as always was replication and abuse without ask.
however his lost bot finding abiliy remains a need to reduce ripple effect,
do you want ants ? because this is how you get ants. exponitially.