Romance Scams using BOTS, websites, AWS stores.

Single? Dating? even sites of family/friends are targeted for Romance doesn’t befall the Redlight district. which is another beast altogether.   Instead, these scams are designed to target the Heart and then the wallet.

the common stake is of course catfishing or the art of sockpuppeteer.  This is when the scammer acts as someone completely different or fakes an account.  Sometimes the work of a single person, groups, and even bots ( who fetch for their owner.)  to the elaborate 14-day heist/invest/transfer (most popular,) and the 21-day trade sting makes quite the intricate multi payout easily missed.

you can be trolled by a “pickup” bot, which brings you to the real person working the profile. You could find yourself keying in vital info into a fake website by going to any .com  or be directed to a real but burnable amazon store from a hacked account, many times not working alone but in groups with bots.  Be careful what you put in print, one can find themselves quickly overwhelmed and suffer vital information attacks from the simplest of incursions.