Turn on auto click (dwell timing)
1. Open your device’s Settings app.
2. Tap Accessibility, then tap Auto click (dwell timing). On some devices, this setting is called Click after the pointer stops moving.
3. Select your preferred amount of time between when you stop moving the mouse and when the automatic click happens:
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Auto click (dwell timing) – Android Accessibility Help
badbot capture
bothearding a lost bot herd, bad botcaputre.
i knew him as LSDLiquid dopping the lsd due pressure peer. to -)sK(- Liquid.
we were fighting the mygots straight outofbox, no easy keys , and and idea to be undefeated even when the MYGoTs entered game. we fought for the round win rare the ban vote.
. he was amuzed at our antics portray in CS as the arena and our solidity of resposible responce of out of arena when it came to that )end(
i spent hours on coms hearing the gurgle of water on open mic from his vector.
we could sure use his native abilities right now.
just following the simplicity . he was capable of capturing lost bots and attacking a bot king pool they fell off off, flipping a corporation. the issue as always was replication and abuse without ask.
however his lost bot finding abiliy remains a need to reduce ripple effect,
do you want ants ? because this is how you get ants. exponitially.
NOC, ASN battle RoyALE
This fight, above most infosec as they ID the shrapnel and bot poo. really allows everyone to take a stop gap and look around, and see the Emporer without any clothes.
none were clandestine at all. now all of you must consider what you do not know.
ASN BLOCK (APT777x2 )2
7 values squared 7 values squared echo call
inversion(ghost) Return (shadow)
ripple surfs up
return plus -1 return plus 1-o-1
transaction receipt from function and stat. will befall the census on the map.